Mother Nature’s Finest Pallet

Landscape photographer Raymond “Flash” Salani III says he delights in, “capturing the beauty of the Appalachian Trail one frame at a time for people of all ages to enjoy.” He was born and raised in north central Monmouth County, New Jersey where he purchased a home four years ago. As a section hiker, he has logged more than 550 miles on the Trail so far — usually with his camera in hand.

“Any day on the Trail, Mother Nature shows us her finest pallet,” he says. When on the Trail, he is usually with members of the Appalachian Mountain Club, his college cross country coach Welles Lobb from his time at Muhlenberg College (who took him on his first A.T. hike during cross country preseason), and his family — when they can make it. “I am grateful to have others who want to hike the Trail in sections and who are also patient with my photographic visions and needs,” he says. “I often lead Appalachian Mountain Club hikes that focus on a love for photography, but are also strenuous, so we can maximize the amount of Trail we take in.” Raymond’s photos of the A.T. capture both up-close and sweeping views from as far south as northern Virginia straight up through to Connecticut.

“The Point” — Harpers Ferry, West Virginia — Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia converge overlooking the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers

From above: Turtles along the A.T. in the Potomac River, southern Maryland; Mushroom family on Bear Mountain in Connecticut; Wild azalea in northern Virginia; Below: Welles “Coach” Lobb hikes the Trail in Connecticut;

View of the Hudson River from the A.T. on Bear Mountain in New York
